The recipe for these was given to us by Matt Thornhill, aka Monkichi, who'd come to play on our radio station (Real FM) in a Birmingham tower block in the late 90s. He'd brought with him his mate Manish and these delicious flapjacks made to his Grandpa's recipe, and the week after he'd been, from his long-winded early globalnet email address at Timebomb in Bristol, he sent us the receipe.
This is the only flapjack recipe we've used since. In the years since he committed this recipe to email and I printed it out on the back of a Beggars Banquet record reaction sheet (which I have to this day, it's the only record of the recipe I have) Matt's become Head of A&R at XL Records, nowadays heading up the Young Turks record label, and is a busy lad. Recently a Dad, I like to think he still makes these!
This is Leigh's slight riff on the original. He adds a layer of salted chocolate on top and cooks them as individual flaps in cake tins, turning them upside down and putting the chocolate on the bottoms.
The robust, dark salty chocolate works really well with the sticky sweetness underneath - these flaps, after all, use both black treacle and golden syrup as well as sugar!
It is typed, apart from Leigh's additions, exactly as Matt wrote it.
Once again, many many thanks for having me and the keener up for the night., Both had a damn fine time, only wish I could have stayed a bit longer...
Here's that flapjack recipe. it's from my Grandfather so it's imperial...
5oz margarine (we used Suma dairy free)
3oz black treacle
3oz golden syrup
2oz demerera sugar
8oz porridge oats, rolled oats, whatever
really healthy pinch of cinnamon
salted dark chocolate
He also likes it real gingery and adds 2tsp. of ginger powder.
Then chopped apricots if you want.
Melt sugar, marg, syrup etc. in pan. Stir in oats & additionals.
Spread into greased baking thing and give it:
- 20-30 minutes if cooking on one large batch (for example baking tray) - check after 20
- 12 minutes if cooking as individual flaps (for example like we did in fairy cake/muffin tins)
at Gas Mark 4 / 160C.
(They might still be soft to the touch when you remove them, but they'll harden as they cool.)
Once cooled, gently melt salted chocolate in a metal basin over a simmering saucepan (don't let any of the water get in) and pour over the upturned flapjacks. Allow to cool thoroughly.
Think that's it.
Hope it works out...and don't reply to this one cos I shouldn't be spending my day at work writing out recipes really.
All the best,
Matt Monkichi.
Here's Matt spending his day at work not writing out recipes.

Here's the flyer we made when Matt came to play.